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Monday, 29 August 2011

Torbay Express Report - 21st August 2011

I travelled down with Stuart at 5am to join the Duke and support crew at Bristol Station.  We arrived in plenty of time for the 09:15 start, and met up with our two other sales team members, Martin and Karen.

The Duke arrived in the station looking fantastic - a credit to the crew who had spent the last 2 days cleaning.  Support crew on the day were David Briggs (RO), Adrian Meakin (Footplate Representative), Ken Wilcock (RO), Chris Saxon (Catering Manager), Andy Quinn (Timekeeper), Richard Holt (Chef) and two Engineers, Gary Shannon and Liam Clairmonte.

The Duke left bang on time.  The train was 11 Torbay carriages plus support coach and a dead class 47 (at 108 ton) meaning the load was nearer to 15 carriages. The total load was in the region of 486 tonnes.  The Duke made good time and arrived on schedule at the next water stop at Taunton.  Water was fed from a tanker.  Support crew were kept busy supplying tea to the footplate crew.  

After Taunton it was bacon and sausage sandwich time.  Food kindly supplied for the day free of charge by yours truly.  Sous chef was Chris Saxon.  Then it was off down to Paignton along the famous sea wall.  The sun was out, the beaches were packed and the wall was lined with people watching the Duke race through.  It brought a lump to your throat as she whistled along the coast before arriving at Paignton on time.  Here the support crew got off as the Duke carried on with the coaches down to Kingswear.  Crew had a couple of hours to wander round and get something to eat and drink.  Some even found time to go on one of the rides at the fun fair on the beach.

Reports came in that the Duke had come to a standstill on Goodrington Bank on its climb out of Paignton.  Luckily a diesel driver was on hand to fire up, and an embarrassing situation was avoided.

The Duke returned to Paignton for servicing once it had been turned at Churston.  Now, fed and watered, the Duke returned to Kingswear to collect passengers.  

The return journey was just as good as the outward, with the Duke setting a fine pace around the coast and, again, the sea wall was lined with people.

Arriving at Exeter it was decided to use the time to do an unscheduled tender top up with support crew having to roll out four 23 metre hoses to reach the hydrant.  Fifteen minutes later it was time to roll the hoses back in again, just in time to meet our allotted leaving time.  The support crew did a great job in a small space of time in very hot conditions, while under the eyes of the passengers who were gathered at the front of the loco watching with some enjoying a look on the footplate.

The Duke ran superbly up Whiteball while support crew were treated to a lovely beef stew and arrived at Taunton ahead of time.  A quick water stop and we were away up to Bristol arriving ten minutes early.

A great day was had by crew and passengers alike.  

The Duke was then taken off the stock and returned to Bristol Barton Hill Depot where she was put to bed and support crew returned back up North.  A long day but well worth it.

Richard Holt
71000 Operations

71000 at GCR - late 1980s

Why not join our Flickr group and post your own photos of the Duke?

Saturday, 27 August 2011

The Fellsman, Birkett Common - 2006

71000 by AlanP 71000, a photo by AlanP on Flickr.

Why not join our Flickr group and post your own photos of the Duke?

Friday, 26 August 2011

71000 Cab - December 1986

71000 Cab. Dec. 86 by Keith Doubleday
71000 Cab. Dec. 86, a photo by Keith Doubleday on Flickr.
Why not join our Flickr group and post your own photos of the Duke?

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Locomotive update - 23rd August 2011

After a period of running on the West Somerset Railway, 71000 Duke of Gloucester returned to Bristol Barton Hill depot on Thursday 18th August and resumed Torbay Express duties on Sunday 21st August. This was the Duke’s first main line run since a reportable incident on 12th June 2011.

The load for 71000’s “Torbay Express” run on 21st August comprised 12 coaches + POB + Class 47 diesel.  71000 performed exceptionally well throughout with no mechanical defects reported and arrived ahead of booked time at several points en route.  Diesel assistance was required on the climb at Churston but for the remainder of both outward and return legs the diesel was shut down. 

71000 engineers have now conducted extensive testing of the locomotive’s valve gear and associated components but have been unable to identify any fault which may have contributed to the incident on 12th June.  Controlled tests and running at the West Somerset Railway also confirmed the locomotive to be in sound mechanical condition.  Unfortunately, to date, all of the tests conducted by 71000 Trust engineers have failed to identify an assignable cause for the problems experienced on 12th June. 

71000’s next main line operation will be a Pathfinder Tours run Bristol-Carmarthen-Bristol on Monday 29th August.  

Following 71000’s last Torbay operation on Sunday 4th September, the locomotive will move by rail to Nene Valley Railway at Wansford to appear at a steam gala on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th September. 

71000 is expected to remain at NVR with workings until end of September/early October. 

After what has been a difficult summer for 71000 support crew, Phoenix Heritage Rail Ltd wishes to thank Paul Conibeare, Andrew Forster and their staff for assistance and use of facilities at the West Somerset Railway.  Also sincere thanks to all who have sent messages of support wishing a speedy return to main line duties for 71000 Duke of Gloucester.

Further information regarding future movements will be found on the 71000 Trust website.

David Briggs Chairman, Phoenix Heritage Rail Ltd.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The Carmarthen Cavalier

71000 will be hauling the Carmarthen Cavalier on 28th August.  For full excursion details, please visit the Pathfinder website.

Joining Stations Depart Return



Warwick Parkway 0615 2305
Leamington Spa 0620 2300
Banbury 0640 2245
Oxford 0700 2220
Swindon 0740 2145
Chippenham 0755 2130
Bath Spa 0815 2115
Bristol Temple Meads 0910 2035
Newport 1005 1935

Arrive Depart
Carmarthen 1300 1640

Nene Valley Railway Visit

71000 will be visiting the Nene Valley Railway (NVR) for their gala in September (10th and 11th) and the NVR will also be offering driving experience opportunities on the loco on Tuesday 20 and Thursday 22 September 2011.

Anyone interested in hands on experience of driving the loco should contact the Nene Valley Railway for more details either on the NVR website or by telephone 01780 784444.

Advance booking is essential.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

West Somerset Railway Steam Fair

71000 was the surprise visitor to the West Somerset Railway Steam Fair and Vintage Traction Rally at Norton Fitzwarren on 6th and 7th August.

After much polishing by support crew 71000 was immaculately turned out and drew praise from all who visited.

Support crew took the opportunity of having a sales stand and did a brisk trade selling 71000 memorabilia with all proceeds going towards the upkeep of the loco.

The West Somerset Railway event organisers were exceptionally helpful and made 71000 support crew very welcome.

It is planned that 71000 will leave the West Somerset Railway on 18th August to resume as the scheduled locomotive for the Torbay Express on 21st August.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Locomotive update

71000 Duke of Gloucester has now completed 560 miles of running in on the West Somerset Railway. Tests carried out at Bristol Barton Hill and WSR running have shown there to be no mechanical defects with the locomotive.

71000 will return to Torbay Express duties as stand by locomotive for King Edward 1 on Sunday 7th August. Should the Duke not be called upon for Torbay duties, it will attend West Somerset Railway Association’s Vintage Rally, in light steam, at Norton Fitzwarren on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th August.

From Thursday 4th August, 71000 will be based at Bishops Lydeard and the locomotive’s next scheduled WSR steaming will be a footplate experience course on Saturday 13th August. On Sunday 21st August, 71000 will resume as scheduled locomotive for the Torbay Express.

David Briggs
Chairman, Phoenix Heritage Rail Ltd.