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Thursday, 15 March 2012

Duke Buffer Repairs

Following the slight collision on 26th February, work has now commenced to repair the damaged buffer beam, right hand buffer and damaged buffer beam supports.  The work is being carried out by Ian Riley Engineering at Bury and should be completed within 3 weeks including repaint.


6arches said...

Any further news on the repairs? The secrecy surrounding 4472 and 71000 is akin to that of Enigma 70 years ago.

71000 Duke of Gloucester said...

Repairs are proceeding and we expect all work to be completed the first week in May after which we have to carry out VAB hot and mechanical examinations and carry out test runs to ensure all the equipment disturbed during the repairs remains functional.

6arches said...

Thanks for the update.This is good news for all the Dukes many fans.